Saturday, April 2, 2011

The one legged chicken.....G.G.

Went out after a long day in the ER to spend some time with the horses....I am absolutely LOVING this weather!  Gotta love Wisconsin...snowing one day and sunny and 50 degrees the next!  Worked with Alli on lunging again today....I think I can actually see some muscle developing now that I've gotten a few pounds of black winter fur off of her!  We worked our way up to using four PVC pipes to step over in our circle and can tell that she's working harder and the sweat is rolling off of her.  She continues to enjoy her daily workouts and seems to be intrigued with anything new she can try.  The neighbor boys came riding up in their four wheeler and she didn't even bat an eye.  What a good girl! 

Just hanging out in the trailer

 Starting to shed her winter coat

Thought I would spend some time loading her in the trailer since it's been months since she has seen it.  I got the ramp down, one door open and was working on getting the other door open when Alli decided she was sick of waiting for me and hopped right in.  Definetly no issues!  She seems to enjoy playing around in the trailer and stomping her hooves to hear what kind of noises she can make.  This is truly my first horse that hasn't had issues with trailering.....what a blessing!  I guess the imprinting of traveling to WI Equine at birth must have desensitized her.  Gotta look at it on the bright side!

"Where are we going?  Tell me you're at least going to take me somewhere"


This is G.G. or Gimpy Girl (named by my mother).  She is the infamous one legged chicken!  She decided to fly down from the rafters one day while Alli was coming in from the pasture into her stall.  Alli accidentally stepped on her foot.  My mom didn't think she would make it, but low and behold she came hobbling along a short time later (just a leg short).  My dad and his friend Mike have decided that they are going to start a mulit-million dollar company producing prosthetic limbs for such of luck in your business venture dad!!  Hope you're not looking for an!  G.G. doesn't seem to let her missing limb hold her back in any way, though.  She hops up to the rafters, scavenges for bugs in the yard and lays eggs right along side of the other two legged chickens.


  1. Loved seeing both You and Alli enjoying the great spring weather. Yes, I named her and Love her (G.G.)too. She is a fighter.
    p.s. Dad says "won't you even invest just $1.00" in their business venture?

  2. I enjoyed seeing you both as well! I know that G.G. holds a special place in your heart! Please tell dad that I have reconsidered and to let me know when he has a business proposal and some sketches of his prosthesis design!
