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We also received great news from Dr. Schmidt today. The histopath report came back that there were no abnormalities of the placenta (which we were concerned about due to some discoloration of the placenta). The culture obtained from fluid from within the placenta also came back with no bacteria.....more great news!! Kinzley is doing wonderful and continues to be full of energy-absolutely LOVES her time she gets to spend outside. We woked on imprinting with the clippers and practiced leading her with a halter today. What a good little girl she was! I can't believe how quickly she is growing....I was looking back at some of the photos from just a few days ago and you can see a huge difference. I know I am bias, but I think she is going to develop into an absolutely stunning horse.
Loved to see Kinzley romping in the yard today. In just a few short days she has become so trusting of people.She has such a wonderful,funny little personality :)